Annual Public Safety Expo set for June 4 at Malibu City Hall

Public Safety Expo in 2021. Photo by Samantha Bravo.

The City of Malibu is working to help the community prepare for wildfires, earthquakes, and other disasters with the city’s annual Public Safety Expo on Saturday, June 4, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at City Hall. 

“We never know when disaster may strike, so the time to get prepared as individuals and as a community is right now,” Mayor Paul Grisanti said. “I urge every resident, employee, student or business owner in Malibu to join us for the Public Safety Expo to learn how to make a plan and gather supplies so we can be ready and resilient.”  

The free event is part of the city’s ongoing efforts to help the community be more prepared for wildfires, earthquakes, floods, landslides and other disasters that nature might bring.   

Attendees can take a ride in an earthquake simulator that recreates a realistic and educational experience of a major earthquake inside a house, highlighting the need to make your home more earthquake safe. 

Numerous vendors will have emergency preparedness equipment and supplies for sale and demonstration. Attendees can learn about a variety of volunteer opportunities and see specialty emergency and law enforcement teams and vehicles such as K-9, Malibu Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, Fire Department trucks and more. 

The vendors, participating agencies and training offered at the Expo will be listed on this page and at